by pacolim | Apr 19, 2021
This is going to be my first auction on open sea platform. “Can’t Cancel Me!” is a portrait piece. A collage of different art breeds. Filtered up with different deep dreams. Then added the lights and effects in werble. Made a little movie with adobe...
by pacolim | Apr 13, 2021
“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” – Saint Augustine Get it here!
by pacolim | Mar 22, 2021
Down the rabbit hole. Get it here!
by pacolim | Feb 12, 2021
This piece shows an entity who can see everything but has no tools to express itself. Can you relate? Is this how we are going to be in the future. Just able to observe but no tools to express ourselves because everything is already figured out by handful of rich...